Almost complete!

Here are the two puppets I’ve been working so hard on.  I have a custom suit coat on the way for the taller one and a touch of styling to do on the hair.  But here they are!

010 011  013 014 015 016   019017


  • Vicky Shepard

    These are wonderful! You do such nice work!

  • Emerson

    Been a big fan of your work for a few years now James. Fantastic job on these guys! I especially love your approach to the bearded character. However, (unless you are finished with his costume) I feel a brighter shirt might better serve to show off the details and contours of the chin. Really amazing job on both puppets!

    • A
      James Kemp

      You know I feel the same way. I have a suit jacket coming for him and I’m hoping that will help contrast it more.

  • these look really great! Thank you for sharing!

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