Puppet caricature update

So, It has taken me far too long but I’ve finally completed the caricature puppet I was working on.  I have made two sets of eyes for the client to choose from.  62631_4041626097564_208567089_n


1000905_4317098744208_1026650524_n 1011699_4317098424200_115994856_n


1000428_4325289548973_1721976884_n 19894_4325289828980_1648147178_n


Drop me some comments letting me know which you like better.  Now to focus all of my time and energy on this Wild Turkey puppet.  One week to go!


  • Nicholas Simmer

    Good puppet. But can I ask, when will you finish the puppet I asked?

    • A
      James Kemp

      Nicholas I’m afraid I can’t. I build puppets as a business. It’s how I make my living.

  • Jufelio

    Both are pretty cool, but different personalities. Definitely the first one caught my attention. His eyes are way more interesting, he looks at you, he’s engaged with you. Whereas the second one is more into his own thoughts. Thanks for sharing, very nice job.

  • Vicky Shepard

    The first option is very unusual, more like a cartoon character. The bottom one fills the face better. I guess it would depend on the expression you are after. The second one, with “normal” looking eyes, is more relaxed than the first one. The narrow, vertical eyes give the impression that something has startled him, like exclamation points.

  • The first definitely. The scecond are very muppety but make him seem lax and low spirited. The first look bright and correlate well with the initial concept.

  • I like the first option. I don’t have any specific reasoning except that it appears to draw my attention more so than the second pair.

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