Wow! I got asked to build a dog puppet for Dave Hulteen based on his cartoon creation inspired by his childhood pet, Balli. Dave Hulteen is one of the creative geniuses behind the Bang and Bump puppet series on Youtube. It is a huge honor for me to be given this project. Dave’s designs are so well done, that a puppet that follows that design, HAS to look good.
I spent seven hours on this head shape and patterns alone, all from scratch. I have to say that I am immensely pleased that this is turning out so well as it is. I have already ordered all of the fur for this build. Hopefully he will be completed by Christmas!
1 comment
Brittany Dublin
Hello James,
I am Puppeteer, and a real live Mermaid, when I’m in water. I bought my
Puppets from “Steve Axtell” but I’ve seen your work and I’m Blown away.
I want to work with you. I do shows for Children’s Hospital so I know you
Are just the guy I need to change kids life, I know it’s the Holidays, So I want to put
An order with you after the holiday/or when u have a free moment. I live in Washington DC.
Call me; 202/256/3393 my name is Brittany, anytime I want you to make my star puppet
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