I know I haven’t been the best about posting enough pictures to this blog, but I wanted to show off some projects I’ve completed recently as well as one I’m working on now.

First is this amazing stoner puppet.  I have some shots from his build as well as a finished product shot.  We went back and forth on the goatee but decided to let it go.



Next is a project done for a live stage performer named Tuke the Canadian Blue Frog.



The last one is for my friend and co-worker as well as our wonderful director for all MOFILM projects including AOLien and Wild Turkey American Honey.  He is for a pilot wer’re trying to put together.  He’s to be the boss character.  Outlandish, sometimes inappropriate and all around bossy.  The only thing he told me at first was that he wanted a butt- chin.  So I did it!  And from there we worked on getting the rest of his look down.  A little Photo Shop aided in a basic outline.  Not blue prints, but a basic outline.

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